Category Archives: game controller support in iOS 7

Logitech’s upcoming gamepad for iPhone leaked

In June, Apple announced that iOS 7 will feature standardized support for third-party add-on game controllers. When the OS was unveiled in June, we saw leaks about a prototype Logitech game controller for iOS devices and now @evleaks has leaked a full press render of a gamepad for iPhone.
An alleged photo of the device shows Logitech’s controller seems to snap onto the iPhone. It looks like a case that envelops around the iPhone and adds a physical D-pad, four control buttons and shoulder buttons. It’d be handy not only for native iOS games but would also seemingly be extremely useful for emulating other consoles, like the Gameboy or Super Nintendo.
The gamepad is clearly for people who detest on-screen game controls. Apple first added official support for gamepads with its iOS 7 update. This becomes more relevant as Apple has added the A7 chipset that supports 64-bit applications and has bumped the graphics capabilities of the GPU by twice on the iPhone 5S.
Currently, it is not known whether the controller will work via Bluetooth or the Lightning connector.  Yet there’s no word on when this gamepad from Logitech will be available.

via Blogger